Installing the Belkin SOHO Networking Software
for Windows 98/Me
The Belkin SOHO Networking software provides a simple way to setup your
Windows 98/Me computers for networking, file and printer sharing. If you
are familiar with TCP/IP and know how to configure the file and printer
sharing, it is not necessary to use the Belkin SOHO Networking software.
Now that your wireless network card/adapter drivers have been installed,
you can configure the network. For each computer you connect to the
network, you must assign a network address to be used by the other
computers. Belkin has simplified this process by providing you with the
Belkin SOHO Networking Software to configure your computers. Make sure
that no other network adapters are installed in your computer before running
the SOHO Networking Software.
1. Insert the SOHO Networking Software that came with your Belkin Wireless
Notebook Network Card or Wireless Desktop Network Adapter into your
2. Click Start, click Run, and type "D:\NetSetup." ("D" is usually the default
drive letter for the CD-ROM drive, if necessary, adjust drive letter to reflect
your designated CD-ROM drive letter.
3. Click OK and Windows will begin to install the program onto your PC.
After the program is installed, Windows may ask you to restart your
computer. Please do so.
4. Repeat these steps for each computer that you are connecting to
your network.
5. Once you have installed the Belkin SOHO Networking Software on all of
your computers, continue on to the next section.