Belinea 2225 S1W
Operating Instructions
• Colour spots resulting from falls
• Error class 2 pixel errors (please note the information on ISO 13406-2 on the website of the MAxDATA subsidiary
If the device received by MAXDATA demonstrates two defects and only one of these is covered by the MAXDATA war-
ranty claim, the customer only has the right to repair for the damage to his device covered by the warranty.
In this case MAXDATA reserves the right to offer the customer several options on resolution in the form of a quotation
and to charge the relevant processing costs.
This also applies to those devices for which upon receipt, it is found that they are not covered by the warranty. In these
cases, MAXDATA reserves ownership of the exchange device provided and is entitled to demand its return.
MAXDATA reserves the right to charge costs incurred for unsuccessful attempts to collect a device that has been
registered as defective from the customer.
If an exchange device is not provided in spite of a period having been set, MAXDATA is entitled to charge the net sales
price as per the current price list plus the processing costs incurred. The customer has the right to provide evidence
for the existence of lower damages.
MAXDATA restriction to liability:
MAXDATA expressly excludes customer claims that go beyond the warranty conditions if there is no obligation of
liability imposed on MAXDATA by the laws of the country where the device was bought. This also applies in particular
with regard to claims for damages as a result of default, damages for claims arising as a result of defects, loss of profit,
transport damage that was not registered within a period of 6 days after receipt of the goods, loss of data or information
through repair processes or damage resulting from interruption to operations.
Governing law:
All rights and duties are subject to the law of the country in which the MAxDATA product was purchased. The Agree
ment on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is not applicable.
Data Backup:
The responsibility for complete data backups, including of applications and operating system software remains exclu-
sively with the customer. The data must be backed up before the warranty claim is made. MAXDATA excludes liability
for any data or information lost for this reason during a warranty claim.
For further details regarding the MAXDATA warranty conditions please refer to www.maxdata.co.uk.