SMS (Text messages)
Sending SMS
Read SMS
SMS settings
With your Twist 505/515 you can send and receive text messages of 160 characters (SMS = Short
Message Service).With Belgacom SMS service you can send SMS to a fixed or mobile phone. On SMS-
enabled devices (GSM, PC, phones), the SMS is received as a text message. If the receiver of your SMS has
no device compatible with that service, the message is received as a vocal message.When sending an
SMS, your phone number is always sent to the receiver.
Conditions :
- To receive SMS, you must subscribe to the Affichage du numéro service from Belgacom.
- To send and receive SMS, the outgoing SMS centre number (1717) and the incoming SMS cnetre number
(01717) must be set in the phone (see page 11).These numbers are set by default in the phone, you can
send SMS with no additional setting.
- To send and receive SMS, you must set the SMS box sub address.The default box is 0 (See page 21).
- To receive SMS, your phone number is to be registered with Belgacom SMS service.You can contact the
nearest Téléboutique, the customer service (0800/33800) or call 0800/17173.
- To receive SMS, a sub address is to be associated to your phone number.This notion of SMS boxe sub
address can be compared to letter boxes belonging to different houses.The sub address can be choosen
between 0 and 9.
Example : Phone 1 : SMS sub address : 0
Phone 2 : SMS sub address : 3
When a sender sends you an SMS from a GSM, he must add the sub address of the SMS box to which he
wants to send it. Example : 02 202 41 11
or 02 202 41 11
If he does not add that digit, Belgacom will send automatically the SMS to box 0, that is why we advise
you to always use sub address 0 in one phone (the default sub address is 0 (zero)).
Sending new SMS
To send an SMS to a phone
1- Go to
, validate
2- Select
Send new SMS
, validate
3- Choose your SMS box & enter the password (if you created several SMS
boxes), validate
4- Dial the number (you can use the call log or the phonebook), validate
5- Enter the sub address of the receiver, validate
6- Input the text (see page 8)
7- Select
Send Now
, validate
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Reading the SMS list
Private SMS are the sent, saved and received SMS.The received SMS are shown by
and the saved
SMS are shown by .
When reading the list of SMS, some options are only available for SMS sent from a phone.
Those options are
Copy to phonebook
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