25570 Sketchy
What could that be? A house? A car? Or maybe it’s a cat? One player draws, and all the others
guess! The first player to guess the motif correctly gains a point. Powers of observation and fast
reactions are needed to collect as many points as possible.
Players take turns to take a motif card out of the bag, and try to sketch the motif on the wooden
blackboard. Meanwhile, the other players look on and try to guess what motif is being drawn. As
soon as a player has guessed the motif, that round is over and it’s the next player‘s turn.
Game preparations
Before starting the game, the “sketch board” is placed in the centre of the table within easy reach
of all the players. Up to six players can keep a note of their points on the coloured fields around the
board. Depending on the age group concerned, all the players should take a good look at the motifs
on the cards before they are mixed thoroughly and put into the bag. As soon as the chalk and the
sponge are laid out ready, the eldest player can begin.
How to play
The first player withdraws a motif card from the bag at random, without letting the other players
see the motif. After the player has had a good look at the motif, he or she lays it face down on the
table and tries to reproduce it by making a sketch on the board with the chalk. The card can be con
sulted again at any time. As soon as the player starts to draw, all the others try to guess the motif as
quickly as possible.
The player who first guesses the motif correctly gets one point. The points are noted down on the
coloured fields around the board. The motif card is not replaced in the bag, but is placed beside the
game board. This prevents the same motif from being drawn twice. Then the board is wiped and it is
the next player’s turn.
– Place the sketch board in the
centre of the table
– Mix the motif cards and place
them in the bag
– Lay out the chalk and the sponge
– Please note: the players‘ points
are recorded in the coloured fields
around the board
Take a card out
Look at the card
Sketch the picture
of the bag
on the board