Elements and components
Service-Unit BEKOMAT® 32U Vario / 32U Vario F
Pos : 30 /Beko T ec hnis che D okumentati on/Übersc hriften/1/Bauteile und Komponenten @ 0\mod_1183638014355_15098.doc x @ 15108 @ 1 @ 1
Elements and components
Pos : 31 /Beko T ec hnis che D okumentati on/Bauteil e und Komponenten/BEKOMAT/Bauteil e BM 32U Ser vic e-U nit @ 6\mod_1378727891522_15098.doc x @ 33669 @ @ 1
1 Screw 3.5 x 10
2 Upper part of the cover
3 Moulded gasket
4 Printed circuit board
5 Sensor
6 Lower part of the cover
7 Cable bushing
8 Sealing mat
9 Service unit
10 Hose connector
11 O-ring 20 x 2
12 Intermediate adapter
13 Screw M6 x 12
14 O-ring 14 x 1.78
15 Angle adapter
16 Design shell
17 Cord packing (only previous version)
Pos : 32 /---- Seitenumbr uch ---- @ 0\mod_1157028099015_0.doc x @ 15320 @ @ 1