09.03.2020 / REV NO: 01
Sensitivity: Public
The hinge strap and the stopper are removed by taking out 1 screw connection . 1
4852560200 Left
Hinge Strap
for assembly on the other side shall be obtained. Another metal stopper shall be placed
inside this stopper and this assembly shall me mounted on the opposite side with 1 screw.
To change the strap of the upper hinge of the lower door, first the stopper of the opening side shall be
removed with a box cutter. The hinge strap is removed with a flat head screwdriver and these two parts
are placed into each other's slots.
The hinge strap and stopper below the lower door shall be removed and re-installed on the opposite
side with 2 screws.
After these procedures, the lower door is lifted by connecting it to the hinge from below and the pin of
the upper hinge is placed inside the slot on the upper door. The procedures listed in step 4.2 shall be
repeated in the reverse order for the assembly of the doors.
10.5. Board Cover and Electronic Boards
In products with U2 boards, the board slot is on the upper plate of the refrigerator. For the board cover
group to be removed, the fixing screw and the board box cover should be taken out. The main board is
locked in place with tabs. The boards may be demounted by releasing them off these tabs and by
disconnecting the sockets.