6.3.8 Code
Defines the four digit alphanumeric code that must
be entered to gain access to the instrument
configuration menus. Alpha characters are case
sensitive. Default code 0000 allows direct access
without a code.
6.3.9 Unit Info
Displays the instrument model number and the
software version.
6.3.10 Defaults
This function enables the display and interface
board factory defaults to be restored. Display Defaults
This function restores the display defaults defined
in section 6.1.
Existing settings can not be recovered
after this function has been used. Interface Board Defaults
This function restores the Fieldbus Interface Board
factory defaults.
Do not use this function when the
BA488CF-P is connected to an
operational PROFIBUS network, as
communication to the display will be
6.3.11 Instrument address
Enables the required three digit PROFIBUS
address to be entered digit by digit using the
instrument’s push buttons.
6.4 Quick Access Menu
The Quick Access Menu allows an operator to
adjust the backlight brilliance and the display
contrast without having access to the other
configuration parameters.
The quick access menu is accessed by operating
push buttons simultaneously. If the
Quick Access Menu is not protected by an access
code the contrast and brilliance controls will be
displayed immediately. If an access code other
than the default code 0000 has already been
entered, the BA488CF-P PROFIBUS display will
request that the access code be entered.
The display backlight brilliance is adjusted using
push buttons. Operating the
button will transfer control to the display contrast
adjustment. When both are set as required,
operating the
button will store both settings and
return the instrument to the operating mode.