GN-9371_2_3 User Manual
Page 49 of (110)
G-series GN-9371_2_3 PIO Rev. 1.02.docx
(4) Set the ModbusTCP Slave address
Click ‘Config-Page’(Modbus TCP Slave)
Set the address for the GN-9371/2/3 slave
* Regarding the time out check box.
When the time out box checked, the Modbus slave mapped data from master will be retained for set time(ms).
After exceed the time out, all of the Modbus slave mapped data will be cleared for ‘0’.
If user want to retain these data permanently, check out the radio box in Time out.
Click ‘Modbus Slave Device I/O Mapping’
The Address will be assigned automatically. It is shown that the offset of address.