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Programmable I/O (PIO) NA-9379, Basic setting
Function and area of use
The Programmable I/O (PIO) combines CODESYS control with the opportunity to build control sys-
tems to the exact size and specifications for the I/O signals involved.
In this document “PIO” are used for “Programmable I/O” (NA-9379).
About this Start Up document
This Start Up document should not be considered as a complete manual. It is an aid to be
able to start up a normal application quickly and easily.
Use the following software and drivers in order to obtain a stable application:
Programming software
CODESYS V3.5 SP3 Patch 1 or later , programming the PIO
Compiler version (CODESYS V3.5 SP3 Patch 1)
IOGuidePro #0004 or later
Device description, Crevis PIO NA-9379
PIO_DeviceDescription 20140416.devdesc(.xml) or later, enable PIO in CODESYS
Library manager, CODESYS
Standard (System)
IoStandard (System)
Time and Date
Modbus Master TCP (IoDrvModbusTCP)
Modbus Slave TCP (IoDrvModbusTCPSlave)
1 (35)
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