3.1.3 The TUBE COMPOSER in digital recording and sampling
In an analog recording, too low recording levels lead to an increased noise level, whereas too high levels will
cause a compressed and squashed sound. In extreme cases, it will cause distortion due to tape saturation.
In contrast to analog, side effects in the digital field always become extremely audible: with decreasing level,
a tape previously recorded with insufficient level loses resolution: the recording sounds hard and loses
atmosphere. With excessive level, the recording sounds harsh and heavily distorted. In order to avoid these
effects, the peak limiter section of the TUBE COMPOSER should be placed before for example a sampler. As
a result of this process, a digital recording or a sampling event can be optimally set in level without any
3.1.4 Noise reduction on effects paths
The effects rack is one of the main overlooked sources of noise in a PA system or recording facility. The prices
of reverb and delay units and harmonizers have fallen drastically over the last number of years, which have
made these units a common feature in small studios and home recording installations. However, multiple
effects units considerably increase the overall noise level, so that the pleasure in acquiring a new sound effect
is short lived.
It will prove useful to use the BEHRINGER TUBE COMPOSER as the last component in the chain of effects
units and use the noise reduction function of the expander/gate section. We recommend that you use a slow
release time in order to maintain the natural reverb.
3.2 The TUBE COMPOSER in live applications
3.2.1 Reducing leakage in stage mics
The TUBE COMPOSER has many uses in live-work, on stage and in multi-miking situations: a well set up
expander/gate can effectively suppress background noise, compressor type pumping noise and microphone
leakage etc. without producing any undesirable side effects. Expander/gates are commonly used for
processing vocals. When specifically used with a compressor, the distance and position of the mic in relation
to the singer is very critical: the further the distance, the more sensitive the mic is to background noise. Use
the expander/gate section in the slow release mode to inaudibly eliminate background noise, that occurs in
pauses between singing. When used in live situations, leakage of miked instrumentation is substantially
reduced, as well as other acoustic contaminants in various recording situations.
3.2.2 Reducing feedback in stage mics
When a singer is using a vocal mic, the voice effectively stops other sounds from entering the mic. But in
pauses between the singing, the mic will pick up noise from the house PA and monitors, which can lead to
unpleasant feedback problems. If the TUBE COMPOSER is inserted into the mic channel, it will shut off the
channel when it is not being used, reducing the possibility of feedback. Principally all mics should be included
in this application.
3.2.3 The TUBE COMPOSER as a protective device
Sound system distortion is usually a result of amplifiers and loudspeakers being driven beyond their
limitations, whereby signals are hard limited by so-called clipping of the amplifiers. The signal peaks are
thereby clipped because the maximum output voltage is reached. This can lead to unpleasant distortions,
which is dangerous for loudspeakers.
Apart from the danger of long term overload a loudspeaker can also be damaged by an occasional high level
overload, e.g. the sound of a microphone falling onto a hard floor. In order to protect a system or the
loudspeakers, the application of the BEHRINGER TUBE COMPOSER is recommended. Conventional limiters
must restrict the maximum output level far below the clip-point of the amplifier, in order to limit the height and
duration of overloading transients. Thus, the power reserve of the system cannot be fully exploited.
Protection of a system with a passive crossover
If your sound system incorporates a passive crossover network (included in the loudspeaker case), insert the
BEHRINGER TUBE COMPOSER between your mixing console output and the power amplifier input. It is used