Behringer EUROPOWER PMP2000D Quick Start Manual Download Page 6




Quick Start Guide



Step 2: Controls




 control determines the signal level that 

is routed from the respective channel to the 
built-in eff ects processor.




 control in the EQ section governs 

the high frequencies of the respective channel.


Use the 


 control to boost/cut the 

mid range.




 control allows you to raise or lower 

the bass frequencies.




 control determines the channel’s 

volume assigned to the monitor mix.


Use the 


 control to set the volume level 

of the respective channel.


Use the 


 to ensure that the input gain 

is set properly. The CLIP LED should light up 
only with peak signals, but never all the time.




 button reduces the channel 

input sensitivity by 25 dB. Thus, you can 
also connect high-level line signals to the 
respective channel input.




 input can be used to connect 

line level signal sources, such as keyboards, 
electric and bass guitars.


This is the channel’s balanced XLR 
microphone input.


The stereo line input of channels 7 - 12 can be 
used to connect, for example, keyboards with 
stereo outputs or a stereo drum computer.




 RCA input of channel 

13/14 allows you to feed in external stereo 
signals from your CD player or tape deck, 
for example.




 RCA output 

provides the stereo main mix signal of 
your PMP2000D and can be routed to, say, 
a recording machine.


The phantom power supply provides the 
voltage necessary for the operation of 
condenser microphones. Use the 



 switch to activate the supply together 

for channels 1 - 12 (XLR connector). The LED 
above the switch is lit when phantom power 
is on.


This is the PMP2000D’s graphic stereo 
equalizer, which comprises two units and 
can be used to adapt the sound to the 
room acoustics.


Use the 


 buttons to switch the two 

equalizer units on or off .


Press the 


 button to activate the 

low-cut fi lter of channels 1 - 6. This fi lter 
eliminates unpleasant bass frequencies 
(e.g. microphone pop noise).




 control determines the eff ects 

intensity of the multi-eff ects processor as 
part of the monitor mix. Turn the control fully 
counter-clockwise to add no eff ect to the 
monitor mix.




 control adjusts the 

volume of the monitor mix.


Use the 


 display to control 

the monitor signal level. The upper LED (LIM) 
lights up when the built-in limiter is activated, 
thus protecting against overload.



 switch determines whether 

the PMP2000D works as a stereo amplifi er 
(MAIN L/MAIN R), a dual amplifi er with 
the left channel dedicated to monitoring 
(MONITOR/MONO) or a single mono amplifi er 
with both channels dedicated solely to 
front-of-house sound reinforcement 
please use a single 2-pole speaker cable with 
pins 1+ and 2+ of OUTPUT B only.




 control governs the overall 

volume of the PMP2000D.




 display reads the output 

level of the PMP2000D. The upper LED (LIM) 
lights up when the built-in limiter is activated, 
thus protecting against signal peaks.




 control functions as FX return 

for the built-in eff ects processor. Use this 
control to add the desired eff ect signal to the 
main mix. No eff ect signal is added when the 
FX TO MAIN is set fully counter-clockwise.



 input accepts 

the optional BEHRINGER wireless 
microphone receiver. The LEDs indicate 
wireless microphone signal input. 
WIRELESS MIC 1/MIC 2 input signals are 
routed to channel 1 and channel 2.



 section accepts audio signals 

from external devices using 1⁄8" TRS 
stereo connectors. The AUX IN knob controls 
the input level.


Use the 


(itch) jack to connect 

any commercially available foot controller. 
It allows you to bypass the eff ects unit.


Here, you will fi nd a list of all multi-eff ect 
presets available.


This is the 


 level meter of the eff ects 

processor. Please make sure that the clip 
LED lights up with signal peaks only. If it is 
lit constantly, this indicates that the eff ects 
processor is overdriven, which can lead to 
unpleasant distortion.


The Eff ect display reads the currently 
selected preset.


Turn the 



control to select the eff ect presets. Press the 
control briefl y to confi rm your selection. 
PUSH and TURN the button to adjust one 
parameter of the currently chosen eff ect.



 button activates the eff ects processor 

when pressed.



 button allows you to program time-based 

eff ects (such as delay) by pressing the button 
repeatedly in time with the desired tempo. 
The TAP LED fl ashes rhythmically to show the 
current tempo.


The mains connection is on a standard IEC 
receptacle. An appropriate power cord is 
supplied with the unit.


Use the 


 switch to put your PMP2000D 

into operation. The POWER switch should 
always be in the “Off ” position when you are 
about to connect your unit to the mains.






 uses pins 1+ and 1- to send out 

the left (LEFT) speaker channel over a single 
2-pole speaker cable. As an option, you 
may also connect a single 4-pole speaker to 
OUTPUT A to carry both the left and right 
speaker outputs, in which case the left 
channel output will use OUTPUT A pins 1+ 
and 1-, while the right channel uses OUTPUT A 
pins 2+ and 2-. When the POWER OUTPUT 
switch is set to BRIDGE/BRIDGE mode, the 
bridged mono output uses pins 1+ and 2+ of 
OUTPUT B only (using a single 2-pole speaker 
cable), and you should therefore NOT connect 
any speaker cable to OUTPUT A.



 uses pins 1+ and 1- to send out the 

right (RIGHT) speaker channel over a single 
2-pole speaker cable. When the POWER 
OUTPUT switch is set to BRIDGE/BRIDGE mode, 
the bridged mono output uses pins 1+ and 
2+ of OUTPUT B only (using a single 2-pole 
speaker cable), and you should therefore 
NOT connect any speaker cable to OUTPUT A.

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Summary of Contents for EUROPOWER PMP2000D

Page 1: ... Visit behringer com for Full Manual Quick Start Guide EUROPOWER PMP2000D 2 000 Watt 14 Channel Powered Mixer with KLARK TEKNIK Multi FX Processor and Wireless Option ...

Page 2: ...sde altavozprofesionalesydealtacalidadconconectores TSde6 3mmodebayonetaprefijados Cualquierotra instalaciónomodificacióndebeserrealizadaúnicamente poruntécnicocualificado Estesímbolo siemprequeaparece leadviertedelapresenciadevoltaje peligrososinaislardentrodelacaja estevoltajepuedesersuficienteparaconstituirunriesgo dedescarga Estesímbolo siemprequeaparece leadviertesobreinstruccionesoperativas ...

Page 3: ...EKNIK TURBOSOUND BEHRINGER BUGERA et DDA sont des marques ou marques déposées de MUSIC Group IP Ltd MUSIC Group IP Ltd 201 Tous droits réservés Pourconnaîtrelestermesetconditionsdegarantie applicables ainsiquelesinformationssupplémentaires etdétailléessurlaGarantieLimitéedeMUSICGroup consultezlesiteInternetmusic group com warranty Vorsicht DiemitdemSymbolmarkierten AnschlüsseführensovielSpannung d...

Page 4: ...s receptáculosenopontoemqueocabosaidoaparelho 11 Oaparelhotemdeestarsempreconectadoàrede eléctricacomocondutordeprotecçãointacto 12 Seutilizarumafichaderedeprincipalouuma tomadadeaparelhosparadesligaraunidadede funcionamento estadeveestarsempreacessível 13 Utilizeapenasligações acessóriosespecificados pelofabricante 14 Utilizeapenascom ocarrinho estrutura tripé suporte oumesa especificadospelo fab...

Page 5: ...e EUROPOWER PMP2000D Controls 11 17 18 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 20 23 21 19 22 24 15 14 25 26 Mono channel Tape inputs outputs phantom power switch Stereo line input Main Section 35 34 36 37 38 Rear panel connectors ...

Page 6: pins 1 and 2 of OUTPUT B only 22 The MAIN LEVEL control governs the overall volume of the PMP2000D 23 The MAIN LEVEL display reads the output level of the PMP2000D The upper LED LIM lights up when the built in limiter is activated thus protecting against signal peaks 24 The FX TO MAIN control functions as FX return for the built in effects processor Use this control to add the desired effect si...

Page 7: ...polos con solo las puntas 1 y 2 de OUTPUT B 22 El regulador MAIN LEVEL determina el volumen total de la PMP2000D 23 La pantalla MAIN LEVEL indica el nivel de salida de la PMP2000D El LED superior LIM se ilumina cuando el limitador integrado está activo y limita hacia arriba la señal 24 El regulador FX TO MAIN trabaja como un regulador de retorno FX para un procesador de efectos integrado Girando e...

Page 8: ...L détermine le volume général de la PMP2000D 23 L afficheur MAIN LEVEL indique le niveau de sortie de la PMP2000D La LED supérieure LIM s allume lorsque le limiteur intégré entre en fonction limitant ainsi le signal général 24 Le potentiomètre FX TO MAIN est la commande de retour d effet du processeur intégré On affecte de l effet au signal général Main Mix en ouvrant ce potentiomètre qui lorsqu i...

Page 9: ...ges Lautsprecherkabel mit den Polen 1 und 2 nur an OUTPUT B 22 Der MAIN LEVEL Regler steuert die Gesamtlautstärke des PMP2000D 23 Das MAIN LEVEL Display zeigt den Ausgangspegel des PMP2000D an Die oberste LED LIM leuchtet wenn der eingebaute Limiter aktiv ist und das Signal nach oben hin begrenzt wird 24 Der FX TO MAIN Regler arbeitet wie ein FX Return Regler für den integrierten Effektprozessor D...

Page 10: ...som global do PMP2000D 23 O mostrador MAIN LEVEL indica o nível de saída do PMP2000D O LED superior LIM acende quando o limitador utilizado está activo e o sinal é limitado para cima 24 O regulador FX TO MAIN funciona como um regulador Return FX para o processador de efeitos integrado Ao rodar este regulador é aduzido o sinal de efeitos ao Main Mix Quando se encontra no limitador esquerdo não é ad...

Page 11: ...20 kΩ unbalanced Gain range dB to 20 dB Max input level 22 dBu Channel EQ Low 15 dB 60 Hz Mid 15 dB 700 Hz High 15 dB 6 kHz Aux In Type 1 8 TRS connector unbalanced Impedance 10 kΩ Gain range dB to 20 dB 2 Track Line Out Type 2 x RCA unbalanced Impedance 2 4 kΩ Max output level 9 dBu Graphic Equalizers Type analog 9 band equalizer Frequency range 20 Hz to 20 kHz in 9 1 octave bands ISO frequencies...

Page 12: ...elapartado Support denuestrapáginaweb ycompruebesisuproblemaaparece descritoysolucionadoallí Deformaalternativa envíenosa travésdelapáginawebunasolicitudonlinedesoporteen periododegarantíaANTESdedevolvernoselaparato 3 Conexiones de corriente Antesdeenchufar esteaparatoaunasalidadecorriente asegúresedequedicha salidaseadelvoltajeadecuadoparasumodeloconcreto Encasodequedebasustituirunfusiblequemado ...

Page 13: ...We Hear You ...
