Synthesizers and Samplers
page 14 of 23
page 14 of 23
Press D4 on the external keyboard to set the Zero calibration value.
Press E4 on the external keyboard to set the High calibration value.
When you are done, you must press C#3 to save your calibration settings.
If you do not do this, your changes will not be saved.
Measure the output voltage. It should read
0.000 VDC.
Measure the output voltage. It should read
+6.500 VDC.
If required, the output voltage can be adjusted to this value by pressing the following keys. The Pitch/CV output
adjustment resolution is about 2 mV
C3 = decrement coarse
D3 = decrement fine
E3 = increment fine
F3 = increment coarse
If required, the output voltage can be adjusted to this value by pressing the following keys. The Pitch/CV output
adjustment resolution is about 2 mV
C3 = decrement coarse
D3 = decrement fine
E3 = increment fine
F3 = increment coarse
Zero Calibration Adjustment
High Calibration Adjustment
Saving the PITCH CV Calibration Settings