– 10 –
behr S 5
~ 40 mg NaCl
H2O for
Filling the Steam Generator
If you fill the steam generator with pure
distilled / demineralised water the level
sensor cannot work. The steam generator
would overfill. Add a little NaCl to the first
water filling, as described here.
The level sensor is a conductivity sensor; it cannot
work if the water has not a conductivity of about 100
µS/cm. This is achieved by addition of NaCl. During
distillation, the salt will remain in the steam genera-
tor; it won’t affect distillation. Only after long use, the
salt may wear out. Then the steam generator must
be refilled, adding a little NaCl to the first filling again.
In a 1-liter beaker, dissolve about 40 mg of NaCl in
some distilled water, and fill up to 1 liter with distilled
Put the suction lance of the water-supply hose into
the beaker.
Switch the steam distiller on.
The device will fill the steam generator from the beaker.
It needs about 0.7 liters. The pump will not draw this
amount in one step, but will stop at 0.2 liters and display
an error message.
If the pump has drawn considerably less than 0.7 lit-
ers and now displays an error message:
Switch the device off and, after a few seconds, on
Repeat these steps until the pump will not deliver any
more and no error message is displayed.
If the pump does not stop delivering at all,
the steam generator to flow over, the level sensor is
defective or has been connected incorrectly.
As soon as the steam generator is full, the pump will
stop delivering and the steam generator will start heat-
Leave the suction lance in the beaker still; this way you
can check if the device is working properly.
Fill the beaker with distilled water.
Insert the titration vessel.
Perform some distillations and make sure the device
is working properly.