4.3 Finding Shorts
Shorted wires will cause a breaker to trip. Disconnect the wires, and make sure the ends of
the wires on both sides of the cable are isolated from each other and other wires or loads.
Interconnect six (6) 9V batteries in series, by connecting negative “-“contact of one battery
to the positive “+” on the other one. The six (6) batteries will create safe 54V DC power
Connect the circuit as shown in the illustration below.
Setup the receiver to Energized TIP SENSOR mode. Start tracing the cable until you find the
location where the signal stops. To verify the place of the fault, move the transmitter to the
other end of the wire and repeat tracing from the opposite end. If the signal stops at the
exact same location you have found the place of break.
Note: This method will be affected by signal cancellation effect. Expect a very weak signal.