Net work
The sys tem can be con nec ted to a net work (LAN) at the POS ter mi nal back
pa nel. Al ter na ti vel ly, you can in stall a wi re less LAN (IEEE802.11b).
You must only use shiel ded twis ted pair ca bles.
Cash Dra wer
The BEETLE /iPOS has one RJ12 so cket at the POS-Board, when this
board is in stal led.
Make sure that the con nec tor is plug ged firm ly into the so cket to pre vent
mal functio ning. RJ12 plugs lock in when you in sert them. Po wer is supp lied
to the cash dra wer via this so cket, +24V +5% / -10%.
Con nec ting dai sy chai ned cash dra wers and 12V OEM-dra wers is
pro hi bi ted!
USB (Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus)
To this USB in ter fa ce you can con nect a va rie ty of USB-pe ri phe rals, e.g.
scan ners, sca les and mou ses.