33 EN
Tips for the Perfect Pour-over Coffee
Not all coffee is the same. The taste depends on many different
factors - from the method of preparation via the utensils used
to the coffee beans themselves.
The pour-over method is particularly suitable for bringing the
best out of the valuable ingredients and taste of the coffee
beans. Below we have summarised a few of the most important
basics for making coffee.
The Type of Coffee
Even if many factors play a role in the success of the perfect
coffee during pour-over preparation, the most important in-
gredient is of course the coffee bean itself. The taste differs
according to the type of coffee, the soil on which the coffee
was grown, the growing region and climate, and the roasting
process to which the coffee beans were subjected.
With pour-over coffee the rule is: quality and not quantity!
In particular because the coffee prepared with this
technique is best enjoyed pure, without milk or sugar, it
is worthwhile spending a little more when choosing your
coffee beans. We recommend gently roasted, light varieties,
as they contain few bitter substances and their own taste is
therefore particularly well preserved.