Direct cooking method
This method of cooking can be done with the hood either
closed or open.
Commonly used for traditional barbecuing. Place food
over the lit grill section. Excess flaring may occur, so care
must be taken while cooking. If direct cooking with the lid
closed, always check inside the roasting hood regularly. The
direct cooking method is recommended for steaks, chops,
sausages, and hamburgers.
Indirect cooking method
This method of cooking requires the hood to be closed.
Indirect cooking involves little or no heat directly underneath
the food. Instead, the food is placed on the grill, the burners
below the food are turned off or Low, and burners on either
side are used. The hood is closed to trap heat and moisture.
With this method, heat circulates around the food, cooking
by convection. By trapping the vapour inside your “outdoor
oven”, the cooking vapour will fall back on the food on all
sides, not just from underneath. The food cooks more evenly,
and stays moist in the process.
Indirect cooking is similar to using a conventional oven and
is recommended for rotisserie cooking, roasts, poultry,
casseroles, vegetables and whole fish.