To ensure full system quality, Beckman Coulter Allegra
25R centri-
fuges have been manufactured in a registered ISO 9001 or 13485
facility. They have been designed and tested to be compliant (when
used with Beckman Coulter rotors) with the laboratory equipment
requirements of applicable regulatory agencies. Declarations of
conformity and certificates of compliance are available at
This manual is designed to familiarize you with the Beckman Coulter
Allegra 25R centrifuge, its functions, specifications, operation, and
routine operator care and maintenance. We recommend that you read
this entire manual, especially the SAFETY NOTICE and all safety-
related information, before operating the centrifuge or performing
instrument maintenance.
• Section 1 contains system specifications and a brief physical and
functional description of the centrifuge, including the operating
controls and indicators.
• Section 2 provides requirements for preparing laboratory facilities
for the centrifuge.
• Section 3 contains centrifuge operating procedures.
• Section 4 lists possible malfunctions, together with probable
causes and suggested corrective actions.
• Section 5 contains procedures for routine operator care and main-
tenance, as well as a brief list of supplies and replacement parts.