Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 2.1
Fig. 61: Edit an attribute entry
The attributes are initialized via Class/Instance/Attributes. Note the “Value” specification in hexadecimal
“ADS” tab
Fig. 62: “ADS” tab
The node (Bus Coupler) is assigned an ADS port to enable writing and reading of DeviceNet objects at
runtime (e.g. from the PLC). It can be changed if required. A detailed description of explicit messages can be
found in section “DeviceNet Communication” under “Explicit Messages”.
DeviceNet objects can be accessed via Online Access. To this end the DeviceNet-specific information such
as Class/Instance/Attributes has to be entered.
Reading of an object attribute via DeviceNet “Get_Attribute_Single” service. A service ID is not required.
Writing of an object attribute via DeviceNet “Set_Attribute_Single” service. A service ID is not required.
Read / Write
Executing any DeviceNet service. Specification of the service ID is required.