Parameterizing and commissioning
Version: 1.6
This means that the name of the PROFINET device will be taken from the System Manager tree.
Register PN IP settings not at the OS
Not possible with the virtual PROFINET interfaces.
If you link the PnIoBoxState variable with your PLC program, you can monitor the state of the PROFINET
controller with it. The state 0x0005 is the error-free state, i.e. the master is in data exchange with the device
(i.e. the CX8093).
0x0001 = Device is in I/O exchange
0x0002 = Device is blinking
0x0004 = Provider State -> 0 = Stop, 1 = Run
0x0008 = Problem Indicator -> 0 = OK, 1 = Error
No programming via the virtual PROFINET interface
The CX8093 cannot be programmed via the virtual IP address. The ADS functions or other
non-PROFINET services are not supported by the virtual PROFINET interface.