Assembly and Operating Instructions
Structural modifications and incorrect installation which are not in accordance
with these and our other instructions can result in serious injuries, e.g. crushing
of limbs. Therefore, structural modifications should only be carried out with our
prior approval and in accordance with our instructions, particularly the informa-
tion contained in these Assembly and Operating Instructions.
Any further processing of the products which does not comply with their intend-
ed use is not permitted.
The end product manufacturer and fitter have to ensure that all the current stat-
utory, official regulations and, in particular, EMC regulations are adhered to dur-
ing utilisation of our products, especially with regard to end product assembly,
installation and customer advice.
The SC861A can be used to control one or more sun protection systems. The
threshold values for sunlight and wind are adjusted by using one of the Sun-
WindControl transmitters of the Centronic range (e.g. SWC441A).
This device is excellent because it is so easy to operate.
The SC861A is equiped with a solar cell for power supply