Requirements to the Computer
The computer must be a Pentium PC with a graphics card of 1024 by 628 resolution or more.
There must be enough free PCI slots to insert the required number of DCC-100 modules.
Although computer speed is usually not an issue for the DCC-100 we recommend a computer
with a speed of at least 300 MHz.
Installation of the DCC-100 Software
The installation of the DCC-100 Standard Software is simple - start setup.exe from the
installation disk.
You can install the software also from the Becker & Hickl web site, e.g. if you want to
upgrade your system with a new computer and a new DCC software version has been released
in the meantime. In this case proceed as described under ‘Update from the Web’.
The DCC software is based on 'LabWindows/CVI' of National Instruments. Therefore the so-
called 'CVI Run-Time Engine' is required to run the DCC software. The 'Run-Time Engine'
contains the library functions of LabWindows CVI and is loaded together with the DCC
software. The installation routine suggests a special directory to install the Run-Time Engine.
If the required version of the Run-Time Engine is already installed for another application, it
is detected by the installation program and shared with the existing LabWindows CVI
Software Update
If you install a new DCC software version over an older one only the files are copied which
have a newer date. This, to a certain extend, avoids overwriting setup files such as auto.set
(the last system settings). Consequently, you cannot install an older software version in place
of a newer one. If you want to do this (normally there is no reason why you should), run the
‘Uninstall’ program before installing.
Update from the Web
The latest software versions are available from the Becker & Hickl web site. Open
www.becker-hickl.de, and click on ‘Software’.