Q. What is passive exercise and how does it work?
A. Your muscles are moved by signals sent from your brain via nerves to your muscles, which then con-
tract and move the body part you wish to exercise. A passive exercise machine does the work for you
by sending a signal straight to your muscles, making them contract involuntarily. Just imagine - while
you relax, read, watch the television (or even doze) you can achieve the same visual effects as a
strenuous work-out. You may even experience some next-day soreness. Passive exercise is not new.
For more than 30 years it has been used in both the medical and beauty fields to tone muscles.
Q. Why am I so out of shape?
You have 639 skeletal muscles, representing approximately 40% of your body weight. During your
early years you exercised naturally: as a child you ran and played, in school you had sports and P.E.
When you left school you probably said ‘goodbye’ to those beautifully toned muscles! Gradually
those firm strong muscles become soft and slack. They shrink, lose their strength and cease to hold
the surrounding fat and skin in place. Sagging, bulging and dimpling (sometimes called cellulite) are
the unattractive results. As you start to lose your firm youthful contours you may need to buy clothes
two or three sizes larger - even though your weight may have remained constant. Add to this fact
that from the age of thirty-five, male or female, you lose ½ Ib of muscles tissue every year and gain 1
½ Ib of fat and you can understand how ‘sleek and firm’ becomes ‘out of shape, soft and flabby’.
Q. Will dieting help?
As your physical activity decreases and your metabolic rate slows down with age, you may find your-
self gaining weight and losing your youthful curves beneath an ever growing layer of fat. With crash
dieting, 30% of weight loss can be muscle loss. But when you regain the lost weight, you put back
only the fat, thereby losing it on two counts - not only is muscle a part of looking good, but muscle
burns calories even while you sleep. Fat does not. Use minimal dieting. Don’t eat below a 1000 calo-
ries per day and push up your metabolic rate with aerobics exercise (i.e. exercise that increases your
heart rate) at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes each time. Ideal exercises are brisk
walking, jogging, cycling, etc. Your diet should consist of small amounts of lean protein with complex
carbohydrates (i.e. fruit, vegetables, wholemeal bread. Keep saturated fats, sugar and salt to a mini-
Q. How long will it take me to get into shape?
It depends on many factors - your age, your present level of fitness, how dedicated you are, it’s really
up to you. However, you should start to see and feel results after two weeks of daily use.
Q. Will I be slimmer?
You will look slimmer because your newly toned muscles will hold you in like a corset.
Q. What about exercise?
There is probably no exercise program that works all your muscles, or works them hard enough to
give you the desired effect on your appearance. Regular aerobic exercise with correct eating will
look after your weight and cardiovascular fitness, but to be firm and shape your abdominal mus-
cles you need specific muscle exercise. Your Ab Gym Belt will firm and tone these. Most people
have times when their energy level is low. Some women feel particularly drained during or before
a period. Or maybe pressures at work or at home leave little or no time to exercise. Don’t miss
out. When you have time to relax, treat yourself to an Ab Gym Belt session.
Q. How can Ab Gym Belt help after childbirth?
Do not use the Ab Gym Belt while you are pregnant. But after the birth of your baby Lean you can
use the Ab Gym Belt to tighten your stomach muscles. You want to get your figure back as soon as
you can but baby care is such exhausting and time consuming work that most new mothers can-
not find the time, or the energy, to exercise those stressed and stretched muscles back into
shape. Don’t despair, when you have time to sit down, put some pads onto your upper and lower
abdominal (tummy muscles) and with gentle contractions let the Ab Gym Belt exercise you back
into shape. And when you have regained your figure, continue with regular treatments to main-
tain your shape.