factor, landing zone, and number of sectors, Drives whose specifications do not
accommodate any pre-defined type are classified as type USER.
Size: Disk drive capacity (approximate). Note that this size is usually slightly
greater than the size of a formatted disk given by a disk-checking program.
Cyln: Number of cylinders
Head: Number of herds
WPcom: Write precompensation cylinder
Sec: Number of sectors
Mode: LBA, Blk, PIO, 32Bit
LBA (Logical Block Addressing): During drive accesses, the IDE controller
Transforms the data address described by sector, head, and cylinder number
into a physical block address, significantly improving data transfer rates. For
drives with greater than 1024 cylinders.
Boot Sector Virus Protection
This will enable a warning message if a virus attempts to write to the boot sector or the
partition table of the hard disk drive. Keep in mind that this feature not only protects
the boot sector, but the entire hard drive.
You cannot change any values in the Memory fields; they are only for your information.
The fields show the total installed random access memory (RAM) and amounts
allocated to base memory, extended memory, and other (high) memory. RAM is
counted in kilobytes (KB: approximately one thousand bytes) and megabytes (MB:
approximately one million bytes).
RAM is the computer's working memory, where the computer stores programs and data
currently being used, so they are accessible to the CPU. Modern personal computers
may contain up to 64 MB, 128 MB, or more.
Base Memory
Typically 640 KB. Also called conventional memory. The DOS operating system and