TX1500 Manual Combined 1Oct03 PSC
Page 16 of 31
One of the advanced features of the Tx1500 system is the ability to prevent specific cameras from being
displayed on individual monitors and to prevent specific keyboards from moving cameras.
The Access Table screen is used to program which monitor or monitors each keyboard can control. A setting of
‘Y’ is used if the keyboard is allowed to control a monitor and ‘N’ to prevent control. As standard, all keyboards
can control all monitors.
This screen shows the settings for a site with two keyboards. Each
keyboard has it’s own monitor and is locked out of controlling the
other keyboard’s monitor.
Keyboard 1 can control monitor 1 ONLY
Keyboard 2 can control monitor 2 ONLY
Pressing the +/- keys will toggle the value of each monitor between
Y and N.
On power up the Tx1500 system interrogates devices on the B -
BUS and any keyboards or other control devices are displayed o n
this screen.
The possible methods of control are shown in the following table.
Tx 1500
Standard Tx1500 joystick keyboard
Touch Screen keyboard
232 I/F
B-BUS Interface allowing control from PC and from remote sites etc.
Allocating cameras to monitors and keyboards is programmed from the Camera Types screen.
Access Table
Keyboard to Monitors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Tx 1500 v6 Y N N N N N N N
2 Tx 1500 v6 N Y N N N N N N
3 Not Fitted N N N N N N N N
4 Not Fitted N N N N N N N N