Honda GL1800 (2001-2005) Audio Amplifier Installation Instructions
Fig. 1-5
41. Using a spring tool, insert the tool
inside the hole where the fairing
pocket was removed going downward
to where the engine cover was
removed. Keep the tool as close as
possible to the inside of the fairing
panel. When you are finished, the top
of the tool with the plunger will be
visible out of the top of the fairing and
the ‘fingers’ on the opposite side of the
tool will be visible out of the bottom of
the fairing. Refer to (Fig. 2-5)
Fig. 2-5
Shop Tip:
42. It will take you several attempts to get
the tool inserted, as there is a large
wire bundle and several other items in
this location.
43. On the wire harness, there are two sets
of unused connectors. These are the
front speaker connectors. Run these
connectors behind the frame and then
towards the spring tool. Grab the wires
with the tool by pressing the plunger
and grabbing them with the fingers.
Once you have a good grip on the
wires, slowly pull the tool out upwards.
44. Once you have the wires pulled up,
tuck the wires under the edge of the
side of the shelter. Pull the wires tight
bringing up all extra slack.
45. Run the wires along the right side of
the cavity where the fairing pocket sits
towards the bottom of the left speaker
housing. Refer to (Fig. 3-5)
Fig 3-5