Lights under Arrow & Drop
Pushbutton do not come on.
Burnt out LED bulb.
Faulty Cable
Faulty Main Board
Replace switch/bulb assy. (A5PB460x)
Check cables from pushbutton to main board.
(AACE4603, AACE4600) Refer to Left and
Right Player Stations, Counters Wiring Diagram
Swap AACE4600 cable molex connectors from
left and right to isolate problem to one side.
Replace main board. (AANEWGEN-PJ)
Lights under Arrow & Drop
Pushbutton stays on.
Surface mounted
transistor blown on
main board.
Replace main board. (AANEWGEN-PJ)
Lights under player
stations do not light up.
LED strip under
Faulty Cable
Faulty Main Board
Remove plastic cover and examine LED strip.
Check cables from LED strips to main board.
(AACE4620, AACE4621, AACE4608)
Replace main board. (AANEWGEN-PJ)
Lights under player
stations stay on all the time.
Surface mounted
transistor blown on
main board.
Replace main board. (AANEWGEN-PJ)
Meters do not work.
Game counter clicks at
start of each game.
Ticket counter clicks as
tickets come out of game.
The 2 wires crimped
together may be
Faulty Cable.
Faulty Main Board.
Inspect crimp to ensure good connection.
Check cables from counters to main board.
(AACO1000, AACE4603, AACE4600)
Replace main board. (A5NEWGEN1-PJ)
Arrow & Drop Pushbuttons
do not work.
Pushbutton itself is
broken or stuck down
Faulty Cable
Faulty Main Board
Refer to “How to Replace Player Station
Switches” to remove switch to inspect.
Check cables from pushbutton to main board.
(AACE4603, AACE4600) Refer to Left and
Right Player Stations, Counters Wiring Diagram
Replace main board. (AANEWGEN-PJ)
Probable Cause
Light under button
should be ON in attract,
flashing when coined up,
and during players turn,
and off during computers