Type "Y" to change the Attention Character. The V93A will respond with:
Enter Attention Character :
Type the desired Attention Character. For example, if you type "%", the
V93A will respond with
Attention Character is............ %
Change It ? (Y/N) :
Type "N" if no additional change is desired. The V93A will store the new
Attention Character into non-volatile memory and return to the main
configuration menu.
By responding with "6" (Disconnect Time Guard), you can determine if you
want a one second delay. The V93A will respond with:
Disconnect Time Guard is..................Enabled
Change It? (Y/N):N
Type "Y", to toggle the existing state of Disconnect Time Guard or "N" for no
change. The V93A will store the selected state of the Disconnect Time Guard
into non-volatile memory and return to the main configuration menu.
By responding with "7" (Login Setup), you can change the Login Password.
The V93A will respond with:
Login Password Is....................BTA
Change It: (Y/N):
Type “Y” to enter the new password up to 8 ASCII characters followed by
<ENTER>. For example, if you what to change the Login Password to
LOGIN, type "LOGIN" at the prompt. The V93A will respond with: