Installing Remote Access Concentrator Software for UNIX
Chapter 2 Installing the Software
Installing Man Pages
The script next prompts you to install man pages. Man pages are optional;
you can install them later if you wish.
Do you wish to install manual pages at this time? [y]:
If you press Return, the script prompts you for the path. Enter n
if you do not want to install man pages.
What directory should be used? (q=quit) [under /usr/
share/man in man1]:
If you choose to accept the default, press Return; otherwise
enter a pathname.
The script asks you to specify naming conventions for storing the
How are manual page extensions handled in
0. Abort; don't install manual pages
1. They use a fixed extension like ".l"
2. They use the extension of the manual page
(i.e., ".1", ".5", ".8" - note that this is
not typical)
Enter manual page extension type [1]:
What is the extension used? [l]:
Respond to both prompts to specify how man pages are stored
on your system.
If you are unsure which conventions are used on your host, pause
the script by entering a ! at either prompt. Check the usage and
return to the script by entering exit. You can cancel the man page
installation by entering 0 at either prompt.
You do not see a warning if you are installing the software for
the first time and the software is not yet in the specified