© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Issue 720574301a (10/10)
All descriptions and illustrations provided in this leaflet have been carefully
prepared but we reserve the right to make changes and improvements in
our products which may affect the accuracy of the information contained in
this leaflet. All goods are sold subject to our standard Conditions of Sale
which are available on request.
Connection to the Central Heating System
The appliance is intended for sealed systems only. The specific model imported is
delivered with sealed system components inside.
Sealed system components include: -
Expansion Vessel (12L) High Temp.
Circulating Pump.
Safety Valve and Pressure Gauge.
A Filling Loop is not provided as standard (Multifit Filling Loop Kit 248221
is recommended).
The central heating system must be in accordance with
BS EN 14336:2004: Heating Systems in Buildings, Installation and
commissioning of water based heating systems.
BS EN 12828:2003; Heating Systems in Buildings, Design of water based
heating systems.
BS EN 12831:2003; Heating Systems in Buildings. Method of calculation of the
design heat load.
Electrical Connections
The installation of any electrical services during the installation of this boiler and the
associated heating system must be carried out by a registered competent electrician
and in accordance with the requirements of the latest issue of BS 7671.
Power cable - 3 core to appliance.
4 core cable to wiring centre from appliance ie. L1, N and E to wiring
centre external controls. L2 switched live back to the appliance - see
section 4.7 in Installation Instructioins.
Frost protection must be provided by a system frost stat.
Commissioning and Handover
Ensure all parts are fitted in accordance with the instructions.
On completion of the installation allow a suitable period of time for any fire cement
and mortar to dry out before lighting the boiler. Once the boiler is under fire check all
seals for soundness and that the boiler and water system are operating correctly.
Ensure that the flue is functioning correctly and that all products of combustion are
vented safely to atmosphere via the chimney terminal.
On completion of the installation and commissioning ensure that the operating
instructions for the boiler are left with the customer. Ensure that the customer is
familiar with the correct safe use of the appliance and emphasise that
A T r a d i n g D i v i s i o n o f B a x i H e a t i n g U K L t d ( 3 8 7 9 1 5 6 )
Brooks House, Coventry Road, Warwick. CV34 4LL
After Sales Service & Technical Enquiries 0844 871 1568
Website www.baxi.co.uk