© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Pellet Central Heating
System Boiler
Supplementary Assembly Instructions
for the UK
Read the Assembly Instruction Booklet and these
Supplementary Instructions carefully before Installation
These instructions together with those supplied with the appliance cover the basic
principles to ensure the satisfactory installation of the boiler.
In all cases the installation must comply with current Building Regulations, Local
Authority Byelaws and other specifications or regulations as they affect the installation
of the boiler. It should be noted that the Building Regulations requirements can be met
by adopting the relevant recommendations given in British Standards BS 8303, BS EN
15287-1:2007 as an alternative means to achieve an equivalent level of performance to
that obtained following the guidance given in Approved Document J.
Please note that it is a legal requirement under England and Wales Building Regulations
that the installation of the boiler is either carried out under Local Authority Building
Control approval or is installed by a Competent Person registered with a Government
approved Competent Persons Scheme. HETAS Ltd operate such a scheme and a
listing of their Registered Competent Persons can be found on their website at
Where ‘Building Regulations’ is quoted this refers to the building regulations for
England and Wales. For Scotland and Northern Ireland use the appropriate Building
Regulations Part F - (Scotland) and Building Regulations Part L - (Northern Ireland).
Codes of Practice - refer to the most recent version
BS 7671:2008
Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations.
BS EN 1856 - 1+2 :2003
Requirements for metal chimneys - System chimney products. - 2:2004 metal liners and
connecting flue pipes.
BS 8303
Code of practice for installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning
solid mineral fuels.
BS EN 15287 - 1:2007
Chimneys. Design, installation and commissioning of chimneys. Chimneys for non-room
sealed heating appliances.
BS 8423: 2002
Fireguards for fires and heating appliances for domestic use.
BS EN 12831:2003
Heating systems in buildings. Method for calculation of the design heat load
BS EN 12828
Heating systems in buildings.
BS 7593
Treatment of water in domestic hot water central heating systems
BS EN 14336
Installation and commissioning of water based heating systems.
BS EN 5546
Installation of hot water supplies for domestic purposes.
BS EN 7074
Expansion vessels and ancillary equipment for sealed water systems.
BS EN 13384 - 1+2 :2002.
Chimneys - Thermal & fluid dynamic calculation methods - Chimneys serving one
Health and Safety Precautions
- Special care must be taken when installing the boiler
such that the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act are met.
The addition of anything that may interfere with the normal operation of the
appliance without express written permission from the manufacturer or his agent could
invalidate the appliance warranty. This could also infringe the HETAS Regulations.
- Adequate facilities must be available for loading, unloading and site handling.
Fire Cement
- Some types of fire cement are caustic and should not be allowed to
come into contact with skin. In case of contact wash immediately with plenty of water.
- This boiler contains no asbestos. If there is a possibility of disturbing any
asbestos in the course of installation then please seek specialist guidance and use
appropriate protective equipment.
Metal Parts
- When installing or servicing this boiler care should be taken to avoid the
possibility of personal injury.