Sailing yacht “Bavaria 40vision”
Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH
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5. Final remarks and notes
This manual is in conformity with the directives of the harmonised European Norm EN 10240. Much of it
might go without saying for you. Nevertheless we hope that dealing with the different chapters of this
manual will help you to understand the technical systems and the ideas behind them. As already mentioned
in the introduction, the purpose of this manual is to contribute to an unspoilt use of the yacht.
Among the things that are not dealt with is e.g. the personal safety equipment. This solely belongs to the
responsibilities of the skipper. It goes without saying that there have to be means of rescue for all persons on
board. But this also includes the procurement and maintenance of a life raft, of signalling means, a first-aid-
as well as a tool-kit.
Since the European Recreational Craft Directive pays special attention to fire protection it shall also be
mentioned, that fire extinguishers have to be maintained in regular intervals and that it belongs to the duties
of a skipper to introduce his crew into their operation.
Those being prepared for an emergency are normally never involved. But just in case: the yacht is properly
equipped for those situations with suitable means.
We are constantly working on further developments of our sailing yachts. We hope you will understand that
we have to reserve the right to carry out changes as far as form, equipment and technology is concerned. For
these reasons you cannot lay claim to a complete correspondence of your yacht with the information, figures
and descriptions in this manual.
If your yacht should be equipped with any details not being referred to in this manual or in the owner’s file,
your party to the contract will inform you about the correct operation and maintenance.
Since all yachts, manufactured by BAVARIA Yachtbau GmbH, are exclusively sold by official dealers
there is no contractual relationship between the yard and the customer/owner.
Thus BAVARIA Yachtbau GmbH is not familiar with details of the contract between the dealer and the
customer. That’s why it is not urgently necessary that your party to the contract takes over the full extent of
our warranty conditions.
So, if you have to make a claim it is unavoidable to contact your party to the contract.