background image




one lens first (always the same lens first to avoid 



the lens thoroughly with recommended 

saline or disinfecting solution to remove the cleaning 

solution, mucus, and film from the lens surface. Follow the 

instructions provided in the cleaning solution labeling. 

Put that lens into the correct chamber of the lens storage 

case. Then repeat the procedure for the second lens.

•   After cleaning, and rinsing, 


 lenses using the 

system recommended by your eye care professional. 

Follow the instructions provided in the disinfection 

solution labeling.

•   To store lenses, disinfect and leave them in the closed/

unopened case until ready to wear. If lenses are not to be 

used immediately after disinfection, you should consult 

the labeling of the storage solution for information on lens 


•   After removing your lenses from the lens case, empty and 

rinse the lens storage case with solution(s) recommended 

by the lens case manufacturer; then allow the lens case 

to air dry. When the case is used again, refill it with 


storage solution. Replace lens case at regular intervals.

•   Your eye care professional may recommend a lubricating/

rewetting solution for your use. 



solutions can be used to wet (lubricate) your lenses while 

you are wearing them to make them more comfortable.

2. CHemiCal (not Heat) disinfeCtion

•   Clean the contact lenses with the cleaning solution 

recommended by your eye care professional and 

thoroughly rinse them with the recommended rinsing 



After cleaning,

 and rinsing, to disinfect, carefully follow 

the instructions accompanying the disinfecting solution 

in the care regimen recommended by your eye care 


•   When using hydrogen peroxide lens care systems, 


must be neutralized

 before wearing. Follow the 

recommendations on the hydrogen peroxide system 


•   Thoroughly rinse lenses with a fresh solution 

recommended for rinsing before inserting and wearing, 

or follow the instructions on the disinfection solution 



Do not heat the disinfection solution and lenses.

•   Leave the lenses in the closed storage case until ready to 

put on your eyes.



 Lenses that are chemically disinfected may 

absorb ingredients from the disinfecting solution which 

may be irritating to your eyes. A thorough rinse in fresh 

sterile saline solution prior to placement on your eye 

should reduce the potential for irritation.

3.  lens dePosits and use of 

enzYmatiC Cleaning ProCedure

Enzyme cleaning may be recommended by your eye care 

professional. Enzyme cleaning removes protein deposits 

on the lens. These deposits cannot be removed with regular 

cleaners. Removing protein deposits is important for the 

well-being of your lenses and eyes. If these deposits are not 

removed, they can damage the lenses and cause irritation.
Enzyme cleaning does NOT replace routine cleaning and 

disinfecting. For enzyme cleaning, you should carefully follow 

the instructions in the enzymatic cleaning labeling.

4.  lens Case Cleaning 

and maintenanCe

Contact lens cases can be a source of bacteria growth. Lens 

cases should be emptied, cleaned, rinsed with solutions 

recommended by the lens case manufacturer, and allowed to 

air dry each time you remove the contact lenses from it. Lens 

cases should be replaced at regular intervals.

5.  Care for a stiCking 

(nonmoVing) lens

It is important to the health of your eyes that your contact 

lenses move freely. If a lens sticks (stops moving), put a few 

drops of the lubricating or rewetting solution recommended 

by your eye care professional into your eye. Do not use plain 

water or anything other than the recommended solutions. 

Do not attempt to remove a lens that is sticking, which could 

damage your eye. If the lens does not begin to move when 

you blink after several applications of the solution or drops, 

contact your eye care professional immediately. Do not 

attempt to remove the lens except on the advice of your eye 

care professional.

6.  Care for a dried out 

(deHYdrated) lens

If a soft, hydrophilic contact lens is exposed to air while off the 

eye, it may become dry and brittle and need to be rehydrated. 

If the lens is adhering to a surface, apply the recommended 

rinsing solution before handling.

To rehydrate the lens:

  Handle the lens carefully.

•   Place the lens in its storage case and soak the lens in a 

recommended rinsing and storing solution for at least 1 

hour until it returns to a soft state.

•   Clean the lens first, then disinfect the rehydrated lens 

using a recommended lens care system.

•   If after soaking, the lens does not become soft or if the 

surface remains dry, DO NOT USE THE LENS UNTIL 



7. emergenCies

If chemicals of any kind (household products, gardening 

solutions, laboratory chemicals, etc.) are splashed into your 






Summary of Contents for ULTRA

Page 1: ... April 2015 SL7355 1 8119401 PATIENT INFORMATION BOOKLET Visibility Tinted Soft hydrophilic Contact Lenses Visibility Tinted Soft hydrophilic Contact Lenses Visibility Tinted Soft hydrophilic Contact Lenses ATTENTION Read and save the enclosed information CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner ...

Page 2: ...ngSchedules 9 CaringforYourLenses Cleaning Rinsing Disinfecting Enzyming StorageandRewetting Lubricating 9 BasicInstructions 7 Chemical NotHeat Disinfection 10 LensDepositsandUseofEnzymaticCleaningProcedure 10 LensCaseCleaningandMaintenance 10 CareforaSticking Nonmoving Lens 10 CareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lens 10 Emergencies 10 LensCareProductChart 11 GlossaryofMedicalTerms 11 InstructionsfortheMo...

Page 3: ...romthebeginning Therefore besuretofollowthewearing scheduleprescribedforyou anddonotwearyourlenses forlongerperiodsthanyourprescribedwearingschedule simplybecausetheyremaincomfortableandyouarenot experiencingaproblem Onlyyoureyecareprofessional throughaprofessionalexamination candeterminehowyour eyesarereactingtothecontactlensesandwhetherthereare anyearlysignsofpossibleproblems Ifproblemsorsymptom...

Page 4: ...oushouldimmediately removelensesandpromptlycontactyoureyecare professional Precautions Youshouldbeawareofandfullydiscusswithyoureyecare professionalthefollowinglenscareregimenandsafety precautions Specific Precautions Alwaysdiscarddisposablelensesandlenseswornon afrequent plannedreplacementscheduleafterthe recommendedwearingscheduleprescribedbytheeye careprofessional Handling Precautions Alwayswas...

Page 5: ... Alwaysinformyouremployerofbeingacontactlens wearer Somejobsmayrequiretheuseofeyeprotection equipmentormayrequirethatyounotwearlenses Askyoureyecareprofessionalwhetherthereareanyother wearingrestrictionsthatapplytoyou Writethoserestrictions inthespacesprovidedbelowandfollowthemcarefully _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________...

Page 6: ...nsbetween yourindexfingerandpalminagentlebackandforth motion Ifthisgentlerubbingdoesnotwork soakthelensinthe recommendedsolutioninyourlenscaseuntilthelenshas resumeditsnormalshape Ifthelensflattensordrapes acrossyourfinger thelensoryourfingermaybetoowet Tocorrectthis dryyourfingerbytransferringthelens severaltimesfromoneindexfingertotheother drying theoppositefingereachtime Keepthelenswetinthesolu...

Page 7: ...oldtheupperandlowereyelidsopenwithyourfingers Then whilelookinginamirror gentlyplaceafingeronthe contactlensandgentlyslidethelenstowardsthecenter oftheeye Or Holdtheupperandlowereyelidsopenwithyourfingers Thenwhilelookinginamirror moveyoureyetowardsthe lenstoplaceitonthecenteroftheeye 5 Removing the Lens Alwaysremovethesamelensfirst a Wash rinse anddryyourhandsthoroughly b Alwaysbesurethatthelensi...

Page 8: ...sonsolution labeling Differentsolutionscannotalwaysbeused together andnotallsolutionsaresafeforusewithall lenses Donotalternateormixlenscaresystemsunless indicatedonsolutionlabeling Alwaysremove clean rinse enzymeanddisinfectyour lensesaccordingtothescheduleprescribedbyyoureye careprofessional Theuseofanenzymeoranycleaning solutiondoesnotsubstitutefordisinfection Donotusesalivaoranythingotherthant...

Page 9: ...ureye shouldreducethepotentialforirritation 3 Lens Deposits and Use of Enzymatic Cleaning Procedure Enzymecleaningmayberecommendedbyyoureyecare professional Enzymecleaningremovesproteindeposits onthelens Thesedepositscannotberemovedwithregular cleaners Removingproteindepositsisimportantforthe well beingofyourlensesandeyes Ifthesedepositsarenot removed theycandamagethelensesandcauseirritation Enzym...

Page 10: ... Rewetting Bausch Lombrenu MultiPluslubricating rewettingdrops Bausch Lombrenu rewettingdrops Bausch LombSensitiveEyes Drops Note Somesolutionsmayperformmorethanonefunctioninthecareregimen whichwillbeindicatedonthelabel Readthelabelonthesolutionbottle andfollowinstructions Glossary of Medical Terms Ametropia Abnormalvisionrequiringcorrectionforproperfocus Myopia Nearsighted Hyperopia Farsighted Ap...

Page 11: ...chas drivingatnight Ifthishappens youmaywanttodiscuss withyoureyecareprofessionalhavingadditionalcontact lensesprescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfor distancewhensharpdistancebinocularvisionisrequired Ifyourequireverysharpnearvisionduringprolonged closework youmaywanttohaveadditionalcontact lensesprescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfornear whensharpnearbinocularvisionisrequired Somemonovisionpati...

Page 12: ...yecareprofessionalwillprescribeyourownindividuallenswearingscheduleandlensreplacementschedule Usethe spacebelowtorecordyourscheduleandwearingrecord DAY DATE HOURSTOBEWORN HOURSWORN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...

Page 13: ...ate Time 6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 7 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 9 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 10 ________________...

Page 14: ... Bausch Lomb Incorporated All rights reserved worldwide TM are trademarks of Bausch Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates Other product brand names are trademarks of their respective owners ...
