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The Two Hand Placement Technique

With the lens on your index finger, use the middle finger of 

the other hand to pull the upper lid against the brow. Use 

the middle finger of your placement hand to pull down 

the lower lid and then place the lens centrally on your eye. 

While holding this position, look downward to position the 

lens properly. Slowly release your eyelids. If the lens feels 

uncomfortable, then: Look in a mirror and gently place a 

finger on the edge of the contact lens and slowly slide the lens 

away from your nose while looking in the opposite direction. 

Then by blinking, the lens will recenter itself. If the lens still 

feels uncomfortable, follow the steps described in the section 

of this booklet entitled “Adverse Reactions.”

4. Centering tHe lens

Very rarely, a lens that is on the cornea will be displaced onto 

the white part of the eye during lens wear. This can also occur 

during placement and removal of the lenses if the correct 

techniques are not performed properly. To center a lens 

follow one of the procedures below.
•   Hold the upper and lower eyelids open with your fingers. 

Then, while looking in a mirror, gently place a finger on the 

contact lens and gently slide the lens towards the center 

of the eye.


•   Hold the upper and lower eyelids open with your fingers. 

Then while looking in a mirror, move your eye towards the 

lens to place it on the center of the eye.

5. remoVing tHe lens

Always remove the same lens first.
  a. Wash, rinse, and dry your hands thoroughly.
  b.  Always be sure that the lens is in the correct position 

on your eye before you try to remove it (a simple check 

of your vision, closing one eye at a time, will tell you if 

the lens is in the correct position). Look up and slowly 

pull down your lower lid with the middle finger of your 

removal hand and place your index finger on the lower 

edge of the lens. Squeeze the lens lightly between the 

thumb and index finger and remove it. Avoid sticking 

the edges of the lens together. 

  c.  Remove the other lens by following the same 


  d.  Follow the required lens care procedures described 

under the heading, CARING FOR YOUR LENSES 




Note:   If this method of removing your lens is difficult for you, your eye 

care professional will provide you with an alternate method.

Summary of Contents for ULTRA

Page 1: ... April 2015 SL7355 1 8119401 PATIENT INFORMATION BOOKLET Visibility Tinted Soft hydrophilic Contact Lenses Visibility Tinted Soft hydrophilic Contact Lenses Visibility Tinted Soft hydrophilic Contact Lenses ATTENTION Read and save the enclosed information CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner ...

Page 2: ...ngSchedules 9 CaringforYourLenses Cleaning Rinsing Disinfecting Enzyming StorageandRewetting Lubricating 9 BasicInstructions 7 Chemical NotHeat Disinfection 10 LensDepositsandUseofEnzymaticCleaningProcedure 10 LensCaseCleaningandMaintenance 10 CareforaSticking Nonmoving Lens 10 CareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lens 10 Emergencies 10 LensCareProductChart 11 GlossaryofMedicalTerms 11 InstructionsfortheMo...

Page 3: ...romthebeginning Therefore besuretofollowthewearing scheduleprescribedforyou anddonotwearyourlenses forlongerperiodsthanyourprescribedwearingschedule simplybecausetheyremaincomfortableandyouarenot experiencingaproblem Onlyyoureyecareprofessional throughaprofessionalexamination candeterminehowyour eyesarereactingtothecontactlensesandwhetherthereare anyearlysignsofpossibleproblems Ifproblemsorsymptom...

Page 4: ...oushouldimmediately removelensesandpromptlycontactyoureyecare professional Precautions Youshouldbeawareofandfullydiscusswithyoureyecare professionalthefollowinglenscareregimenandsafety precautions Specific Precautions Alwaysdiscarddisposablelensesandlenseswornon afrequent plannedreplacementscheduleafterthe recommendedwearingscheduleprescribedbytheeye careprofessional Handling Precautions Alwayswas...

Page 5: ... Alwaysinformyouremployerofbeingacontactlens wearer Somejobsmayrequiretheuseofeyeprotection equipmentormayrequirethatyounotwearlenses Askyoureyecareprofessionalwhetherthereareanyother wearingrestrictionsthatapplytoyou Writethoserestrictions inthespacesprovidedbelowandfollowthemcarefully _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________...

Page 6: ...nsbetween yourindexfingerandpalminagentlebackandforth motion Ifthisgentlerubbingdoesnotwork soakthelensinthe recommendedsolutioninyourlenscaseuntilthelenshas resumeditsnormalshape Ifthelensflattensordrapes acrossyourfinger thelensoryourfingermaybetoowet Tocorrectthis dryyourfingerbytransferringthelens severaltimesfromoneindexfingertotheother drying theoppositefingereachtime Keepthelenswetinthesolu...

Page 7: ...oldtheupperandlowereyelidsopenwithyourfingers Then whilelookinginamirror gentlyplaceafingeronthe contactlensandgentlyslidethelenstowardsthecenter oftheeye Or Holdtheupperandlowereyelidsopenwithyourfingers Thenwhilelookinginamirror moveyoureyetowardsthe lenstoplaceitonthecenteroftheeye 5 Removing the Lens Alwaysremovethesamelensfirst a Wash rinse anddryyourhandsthoroughly b Alwaysbesurethatthelensi...

Page 8: ...sonsolution labeling Differentsolutionscannotalwaysbeused together andnotallsolutionsaresafeforusewithall lenses Donotalternateormixlenscaresystemsunless indicatedonsolutionlabeling Alwaysremove clean rinse enzymeanddisinfectyour lensesaccordingtothescheduleprescribedbyyoureye careprofessional Theuseofanenzymeoranycleaning solutiondoesnotsubstitutefordisinfection Donotusesalivaoranythingotherthant...

Page 9: ...ureye shouldreducethepotentialforirritation 3 Lens Deposits and Use of Enzymatic Cleaning Procedure Enzymecleaningmayberecommendedbyyoureyecare professional Enzymecleaningremovesproteindeposits onthelens Thesedepositscannotberemovedwithregular cleaners Removingproteindepositsisimportantforthe well beingofyourlensesandeyes Ifthesedepositsarenot removed theycandamagethelensesandcauseirritation Enzym...

Page 10: ... Rewetting Bausch Lombrenu MultiPluslubricating rewettingdrops Bausch Lombrenu rewettingdrops Bausch LombSensitiveEyes Drops Note Somesolutionsmayperformmorethanonefunctioninthecareregimen whichwillbeindicatedonthelabel Readthelabelonthesolutionbottle andfollowinstructions Glossary of Medical Terms Ametropia Abnormalvisionrequiringcorrectionforproperfocus Myopia Nearsighted Hyperopia Farsighted Ap...

Page 11: ...chas drivingatnight Ifthishappens youmaywanttodiscuss withyoureyecareprofessionalhavingadditionalcontact lensesprescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfor distancewhensharpdistancebinocularvisionisrequired Ifyourequireverysharpnearvisionduringprolonged closework youmaywanttohaveadditionalcontact lensesprescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfornear whensharpnearbinocularvisionisrequired Somemonovisionpati...

Page 12: ...yecareprofessionalwillprescribeyourownindividuallenswearingscheduleandlensreplacementschedule Usethe spacebelowtorecordyourscheduleandwearingrecord DAY DATE HOURSTOBEWORN HOURSWORN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...

Page 13: ...ate Time 6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 7 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 9 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 10 ________________...

Page 14: ... Bausch Lomb Incorporated All rights reserved worldwide TM are trademarks of Bausch Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates Other product brand names are trademarks of their respective owners ...
