These Instruction handbook may be copied by the owner in any quantity, but only for internal
use. This Instruction handbook may not be copied or reproduced, in whole or in part, for any
other purposes.
The use and disclosure of information contained in these Instruction handbook are not per-
Designations and company marks contained in these Instruction handbook could be trade-
marks, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
rights holder.
Preliminary information
Warning: Insofar as this document is identified as being preliminary information, the follow-
ing applies:
this version is regarded as providing advance technical information to users of the described
devices and their functions at an early enough time in order to adapt to any possible changes
or expanded functionality.
This information must be regarded as being preliminary, as it has not yet passed through
Baumüller's internal review process. In particular, this information is still subject to changes,
thus no legal liability can be derived from this preliminary information. Baumüller assumes no
liability for damages that might arise from this possibly faulty or incomplete version.
If you detect or suspect any content errors and/or major form errors in this preliminary infor-
mation, we request that you notify the Baumüller support specialist responsible for you.
Please provide us, via this employee, with your insights and comments so that we can take
them into account and include them when transitioning from the preliminary information to
the final information (as reviewed by Baumüller).
The conditions stipulated in the following section under "Obligatory" are invalid in case of pre-
liminary information.
These Instruction handbook are a part of the equipment/machine. These Instruction hand-
book must be available to the operator at all times and must be in legible condition. If the
equipment/machine is sold or moved another location, these Instruction handbook must be
passed on by the owner together with the equipment/machine.
After any sale of the equipment/machine, this original and all copies must be handed over to
the buyer. After disposal or any other end use, this original and all copies must be destroyed.
When the present Instruction handbook are handed over, corresponding sets of operating in-
structions of a previous version are automatically invalidated.
Please note that the specifications/data/information are current values according to the
printing date. These statements are not legally binding with regard to measurements,
computation or calculations.
Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH reserves the right, in developing its products further, to change
the technical specifications and handling of it products concerned without prior notice.
No liability can be accepted concerning the correctness of these Instruction handbook unless
otherwise specified in the General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.
Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Ostendstr. 80 - 90
90482 Nuremberg
Tel. +49 9 11 54 32 - 0
Fax: +49 9 11 54 32 - 1 30
Email : [email protected]