Operating manual for
BAUER gear pump
MAGNUM slurry pumps are designed with a special chopper on the suction side. This chopper guarantees
trouble-free operation also if the pumped slurry contains solids like straw, fibrous materials, and clots or sludge
up to not more than 12 %. Maximum permissible slurry temperature: 80°C.
3.1 Gear pump without self-priming unit
This pump mainly consists of the spur gear and the volute housing with impeller and cutting flange and the
chopper assembly. Power is transmitted directly from the tractor and a drive shaft to the gearbox of the pump.
The pump is preferably mounted on a pump trolley and hitched to the tractor’s toolbar. While the pump is
operating the drive shaft should be articulated as little as possible to ensure easy running and longer life of
pump, gearbox, and drive shaft. Volute housing and gearbox are sealed off by a mechanical seal.
3.1.1 Suction line
The suction line must be equipped with a manual, lever operated foot valve
. Suction line and pump must
be filled with water before starting up the system.
3.1.2 Delivery line
We recommend to mount a stop valve in the delivery line. This is an advantage if pump operation is interrupted
only for a short while. Closing of the stop valve and the foot valve will save renewed filling of pump and suction
line when pumping is continued.
3.2 Gear pump with self-priming unit
This pump is a self-priming gear pump as described under 3.1 equipped with an additional attachment.
3.2.1 Suction line
Being equipped with a self-priming unit, a standard spiral suction hose and suitable fitting pipe with a coupled
funnel can be used as a suction line.
3.2.2 Delivery line
It is absolutely necessary to install a stop valve in the delivery line. This valve must be closed during the priming
process, otherwise slurry would be sucked in through the delivery line and the suction line would not be filled.