key. Filter cartrige number is shown (Filter symbol flash
ing, Fig. 10).
key again. Display returns to the main menue.
The filter capacity must not be reset unless a
new filter cartridge has been fitted!
the filter capacity or the A, B, and C maintenance inter
vals, press
key for more than 5 seconds from the respective
maintenance interval display (Fig. 11).
enter the setup
for the different functions of the
press the
keys on the display simultaneously for more
than 5 seconds from the cartridge number display (Fig. 10).
Filter symbol starts flashing (Fig. 12) indicating the setup mode.
setup A
the filter cartridge number is set. To change car
tridge type, press
key for 3 seconds, the number starts flash
ing. Press the
key to select the correct number, press
key to
accept the new setting.
Numbers beginning with 999 require a
special adjustment:
key for 3 seconds. Press the
key to select 999000, the
last 0 starts flashing. Press the
key to select the correct
number, then press
key: the second 0 will start flashing, pro
ceed as above and finally adjust the 3rd 0 accordingly.
Pressing the
key, display changes to
setup B
for the delivery
setting (in ltrs/min). Filter symbol starts flashing (Fig. 13). To
change delivery, press
key for 3 seconds, the 1st digit starts
flashing. Press the
key to select the correct number, press
key to accept the new setting. Repeat procedure for the other
two digits
Pressing the
key again, display changes to
setup C
for the
pressure range setting. Filter symbol starts flashing (Fig. 14). To
change pressure, press
key for 3 seconds. Press the
key to
select the correct pressure (200, 300 or 200/300), press
to accept the new setting.
After finishing setup and fitting a new car
tridge, the filter capacity has absolutely to be
reset, see
Pressing the
key again, display changes to the menue for
justing the operating hours
. Press
key for 2 seconds, the last
digit will start flashing. Press the
key to select the correct
number, then press
key etc., until all digits are set. Then pres
sing the
key twice will lead back to the main menue, Pressing
the the
key and the
key gives the possibility to readjust the
hours again, if required.
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14