a. The following is a partial list of accessories that are available for use with the SR4A and SR8A
Voltage Regulators.
Underfrequency protection.
Excitation support systems.
EMI suppression filters.
Low and medium voltage power isolation transformers.
Paralleling current transformers.
Manual Voltage control modules.
Volts per hertz sensing modules.
DC sensing modules.
400 hertz regulator.
Voltage regulators operating from 60 hertz power on 400 hertz generators
Wide range voltage adjust circuit components.
VAR/Power Factor Controller.
Overvoltage protection.
Control switches.
Motor operated controls.
Line drop compensators.
Voltage transient suppression filters.
b. Information covering these accessories may be obtained by consulting the applicable instruction
manual and product bulletin, or by contacting your nearest Basler Electric Sales Representative or
the factory.
c. An external voltage adjust rheostat may be obtained from a source other than Basler Electric.
This rheostat must be a minimum of 2 watts in size. The nominal required resistance is 175 ohms.
Although any value from 150 ohms to 250 ohms may be used, a slight change in the voltage adjust
range will occur.
The model number of the voltage regulator is a combination of letters and numbers indicating the
features which are included in the regulator. An example of a model number, showing the manner in
which the various features are designated, is shown in Figure 1-1. A complete list of various
features and their description is given in Table 1-3.