(g) Adjust its speed slightly higher than that of No. 1's.
(h) Observing the synchroscope (or lights), close the circuit breaker (No. 2), when the set is
in phase with No. 1.
Immediately after closing the breaker, verify the indication on the ammeter for set No. 2.
They should read well within the rating of the generator. If they do not, shut down the
system and refer to the troubleshooting chart 5-2. If unstable operation is indicated, see
paragraph 4-8. If stable, see next step.
Adjust the speed of No. 2 to the point where each set is carrying the desired share of
kW load.
(k) Adjust the voltage of No. 2 until the ammeter reading, of both sets, are near minimum.
If KVAR or power factor meters are available, adjust voltage adjust rheostat for equal or
proportional KVAR or power factor reading.
(m) If the sets are equipped with power factor meters instead of kW meters, alternately
adjust the speed and voltage on No. 2 until the ammeter reading are proportional
and the power factor readings are equal.
(n) With full load applied, readjust the speed and voltage on No. 2 until the desired load
division is obtained.
The best adjustment is obtained when both sets are supplying the same percent of rated
current, the kW (or power factor) readings are equal, or the sum of the ammeter currents of the two
sets, is minimum.
Upon closing the circuit breaker for set No. 2 (paragraph 4-8e.(1)(h)) improper operation
may result. This condition may be accompanied by a very high ammeter reading, the circuit breaker
may open, due to current overload, or it may be opened by the reverse power relay. In order to
isolate this problem to the faulty speed or voltage regulating system, perform the following steps:
Parallel the generators as instructed in paragraph 4-8e, steps (a) through (h).
Immediately after closing the circuit breaker, observe the kW and KVAR, or power
factor meters. The following conditions may occur:
(1) A high ammeter reading accompanied by a large kW unbalance. When this condi-
tion exists, the speed regulating system is faulty.
(2) A high ammeter reading accompanied by a KVAR or power factor unbalance but a
constant KW. When this condition exists, the voltage regulating system is faulty.
Another method of isolating the preceding trouble is to parallel the generators using manual
voltage control (if available). If proper operation is obtained, the voltage regulating system may be
at fault.
To obtain the best results, final adjustments should be made with full load
on the bus.