Image Acquisition Control
Basler dart BCON
The pixel values for each line are read out at the end of exposure time for the line. The exposure
time is the same for all lines and is determined by the ExposureTime parameter setting.
If the camera is operating with the rolling shutter in ERS mode and you are using the camera to
capture images of moving objects, the use of flash lighting is most strongly recommended.
Global Reset Release Mode (GRR)
In the global reset release mode, all of the lines in the sensor reset and begin exposing when frame
start is triggered. There is a temporal offset from one line to the next in the end of exposure. The
exposure time
for line one is determined by the ExposureTime parameter setting.
for line two will end a short time (= temporal offset) after the exposure ends for line one.
for line three will end another short time (= temporal offset) after the exposure ends for line
And so on until the bottom line of pixels is reached (see
The pixel values for each line are read out at the end of exposure time for the line.
When the camera is operating with the rolling shutter in the global release mode, the use of flash
lighting is most strongly recommended. For more information, see Section
in this chapter.
temporal offset
= line exposure time
= line readout time
Frame Start
Fig. 31: Rolling Shutter in the Global Reset Release Mode
Line 1
Line 2
Line 4
Line 3
Line 5
Line 6
Line 8
Line 7
Line 9
Line 10
Line 11
Line N-2
Line N
Line N-1