Operating & Maintenance Manual
Model TS-420 Test Set
Page 9 of 10
24 Jan 2002
d) Install the replacement battery exactly as before. Center the battery over the Velcro
pad and gently press into place.
e) Carefully re-connect the battery connector to the PC board. Note that the connector is
keyed to prevent misalignment.
f) Replace bottom portion of case and secure with four screws.
6.0 Indications & Troubleshooting
6.1 Voltmeter Mode
The following Indications apply when the VOLTMETER mode is selected and the Press-
To-Test button pushed:
a) Self-Test indicator is GREEN - Test set is operational and OK for test
b) Self-test indicator does not illuminate - Test set requires servicing; return to BaseWest.
c) LCD meter displays DC volts in the range of 0.00 to 19.99; if not, return for repair.
6.2 Ammeter Mode
The following Indications apply with the instrument switched to the AMMETER mode and
the Press-To-Test button is pushed:
a) Self-Test indicator is GREEN, Battery Status indicator is OFF - Test set is operational
and OK for test; battery charge level is medium to high.
b) Self-Test indicator is GREEN, Battery Status indicator is AMBER - Test set is
operational and OK for test, but internal battery is getting low. Recharge the internal
battery at the next opportunity.
c) Self-Test indicator is RED, Battery Status indicator is AMBER
– Remove from service
and recharge. If normal indications do not re-appear, return to BaseWest for service.
d) Self-Test indicator is OFF - Test set requires servicing; return to BaseWest.
e) LED meter should display milliamperes in the range of 0 to 1999 mA (no decimal)
7.0 Care and Maintenance
7.1 The TS-420 test set is a sensitive electronic instrument; it should be treated and protected
with appropriate care.
Do not drop or crush the instrument