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Unfreezing of foodstuffs packed in the vacuum bags
The vacuum packed foodstuffs like meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, or other fragile
products, may be slowly unfrozen on the lowest refrigerator shelf.
Bread and tortilla should be unfrozen in the room temperature.
Soups and other liquid meals should be heated directly in the vacuum bag in the
water bath until they are hot. Before unfreezing in the room temperature or heating
in the water bath one corner of the vacuum bag should be cut in order to reduce
vacuum and allow for successive steam outlet.
The foodstuffs should be consumed soon after unfreezing.
freeze them again.
Repacking of unpacked foodstuffs
Many food products, like cheese or meat products, are sold in the trade vacuum
packages. Their taste and freshness may be also maintained after packing by
repacking in the vacuum bags.
The foodstuffs removed from the package must be absolutely consumed
before their expiry date, specified on the original package.
After repacking they should be stored with maximum caution and hygiene.