Appendix E: Common Questions and Situations
Q. How do I clear an error message?
A. To stop the sounding alarm, press anywhere on the screen. Then to clear the message, press “Clear”
and the controller will return to the IDLE screen.
Q. What is a segment?
A. A segment is the basic building block of a program. Each segment consists of a ramp rate in degrees
per hour, a temperature you want to achieve, and whether you want to hold there or not. For example,
a program for drying ware going at 60°F/hour to 200°F and holding for 2 hours would be a one segment
firing, the ramp is 60, the temperature is 200, and the hold is 2.00.
Q. Do I need to use witness cones for each firing?
A. After checking your kiln with witness cones for the first few firings, if you are satisfied with the results
you are getting and how even the kiln is from top to bottom, then you do not need to use cones in each
firing. It is a good practice to periodically place witness cones in the kiln to check for proper firing. If you
suspect a problem or your results have changed, then it is a good idea to check the operation of the kiln
with witness cones.
Q. Who do I contact for parts for my kiln?
A. For replacement parts for your kiln (relays, elements, etc.), contact the kiln manufacturer. For any
issues with your controller contact us at Bartlett Instrument Co. for a solution.