Rev. 1.0 (04.2020)
Using the I²C-interface of the mp6-XOEM.
The mp6-XOEM can be controlled via I²C when the onboard microcontroller is disabled. To do this, the reset pin of
the mp6-XOEM has to be tied to GND. The trace between pins 15 and 16 of the IC-socket has to be removed on the
bottom side of the board and a zero Ohm resistor (or solder joint) has to be attached to the pads next to the pins,
so the reset pin (pin 15) is directly connected to the GND plane. Referre to the mp6-XOEM manual for information
about the I²C-interface. The protocol is identical to the mp6-QuadOEM. The screw terminals 5 and 6 can be used to
connect the interface wires. Please note that the address pins A0 and A1 are directly tied to GND on the mp6-XEVA
so the slave address is fixed.
2Bottom side of mp6-XEVA board.
All values are approximate and no guarantee of specific technical properties.
Changes in the course of technical progress are possible without notice.