PRODUCT MANUAL - BARIX X8 - V01.05 - 10/26/2006
The command code 71 (hex 47) is used to erase the firmware of
a BARIX X8 device which is connected to the bus and whose
address is unknown (but serial parameters are correct). The
command can also be sent multiple times with different serial
parameters to find the device. The serial number of the device,
which can be found on a label on the unit (format xxx-yyy), needs
to be inserted into this block to address a specific unit. The block
is sent out as a Modbus broadcast.
After erasing the firmware the device will go into the download
mode with serial settings 19200,n,8,1.
Command format:
Byte 1
- 0x0
(broadcast address)
Byte 2
- 0x45
(command code)
Byte 3
- s1
(serial number, first part)
Byte 4
- s2
(serial number, second part)
Byte 5
- s1
(serial number, first part, repeated)
Byte 6
- s2
(serial number, second part, repeated)
Byte 7
- crc1
(crc1 according to Modbus spec)
Byte 8
- crc2
(crc2 according to Modbus spec)
Despite the broadcast addressing, the unit will respond with an
acknowledge (containing bytes 1..6 plus crc) !
Protocol support · 10
Command 71