BarefootSpas is committed to managing its environmental affairs as an integral part of its business.
It is our policy to assure environmental integrity in our business processes and facilities.
BarefootSpas will provide personnel and other resources to ensure successful compliance with all applicable
environmental requirements. Our policy of innovation, shared leadership, informed decision making,open
communication, professional growth, and personal responsibility directly support our commitment to the
We comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and will implement programs and
procedures to assure compliance. Compliance with environmental program requirements will be a key
ingredient in our management programs.
We undertake management systems procedures and training that are designed to continually improve our
environmental management system, improve our operations, and prevent activities or conditions that may
pose a threat to human health or the environment.
We minimize risk to our employees and to the community in which we operate through the use of safe
technologies and operating procedures.
We will continue to minimize the potential for releases to the atmosphere, land or water and be prepared to
respond to emergencies.
We use natural resources, including raw materials, water, and energy as efficiently as possible and will strive
to create opportunities to recycle, reuse, and renew.
We continue to engage in pollution prevention practices and maximize the beneficial use of by-products
(waste streams) from our operations, and minimize the generation of solid waste from our facilities.
We communicate this policy and our commitment to environmental quality to our employees, our customers,
vendors and our community.
To facilitate our commitment to Environmental Stewardship:
Environmental Statement