Super Compact
If you love the tone in all scenarios but just want a bigger (louder) or smaller alternative
then the Super Twin and Super Midget are the best choices. If you want something with
greater treble clarity without going bigger then the Super Midget is the best choice. If you
want something similar sized with greater treble clarity and/or bigger lows or more accu
racy through the whole frequency range then the Big Baby II is the best choice. If you want
greater accuracy and loudness then the Big Twin II is the answer.
Super Twin
If you love the tone in all scenarios but just want a smaller alternative then the Super Com
pact is the best choice. If you want something with greater treble clarity and smaller then
the Super Midget and Big Baby II are the obvious choices – the SM is the smallest but the
BB2 has greater accuracy and bigger lows. If you want something with more treble and/or
more bass and equally loud then the Big Twin II is the best choice.
Super Midget
If you want something with a similar vibe to this but a bigger and somewhat louder sound
then the Big Baby II is the obvious choice. If you want something substantially louder then
the Big Twin II is the best choice. If you tend to run the HF control low or off then the Super
Compact and Super Twin will do similar jobs to the Big Baby II and Big Twin II respectively.
Big Baby II
If you love the tone but want a louder single cab then the Big Twin II is the answer. If you
need something louder but don’t need the accuracy of the Big Baby II then the Super Twin
is the right choice. If you want something even smaller then the Super Midget is the way to
Big Twin II
If you love the tone but need something smaller then the Big Baby II is the answer, or the
Super Midget if you need to go super small. If you want something smaller and don’t need
as much clarity or depth then the Super Compact is the answer. If you don’t need the ex-
tended bass and treble but would like a smaller cab then
7. Alternate Barefaced Gen 3 12XN
options compared to your cab