Manual 2100-749
62 of 68
2. If the blower remains offline, the blower must be
removed for wiring verification and/or replacement.
A. Remove blower terminal access cover.
B. Verify high voltage to blower on terminals L1,
L2 and L3 with a volt meter.
C. If incorrect or no voltage to blower, fix the
wiring issue and verify communication.
3. If high voltage is present and correct, check
communication wires for short, open or grounded
circuits. If a wiring problem is found, make
corrections, re-install and verify communication.
4. If no problems are found, replace blower motor.
Condenser Fan Communication Failure
For the following steps, use the TEC-EYE to view the
Modbus status of the condenser fan. This screen is
accessible in the I/O Menu under Fans/Blowers (see
Figure 88).
1. Remove condenser fan terminal access cover (if
not already done).
2. Verify high voltage to condenser fan on terminals
L1, L2 and L3 with a volt meter.
A. If incorrect or no voltage to condenser fan, fix
the wiring issue and verify communication.
3. If high voltage is present and correct, check
communication wires for short, open or grounded
circuits. If a wiring problem is found, make
corrections, re-install and verify communication.
4. If no problems are found, replace condenser fan.
TEC-EYE Condenser Fan 1 Screen