Optional modules
Yarn inventory management
The software module for yarn inventory management is fully
integrated with the WeaveMaster planning software.
The fi rst function of this module is the management of the yarn
delivery contracts with all its technical and commercial details.
For each delivery of yarn to the mill, the quantities are booked
against the contract and are added to the grey yarn stock. The
system prints the barcoded identifi cation labels with yarn iden-
tifi cation, lot number and warehouse location.
As WeaveMaster calculates the requirements for grey and dyed
yarn, reservations can be made for warp yarn, grey weft yarn
as well as for dye lots.
Consumption of the yarn is registered by reading the barcoded
labels on the cartons as the yarn enters in preparation or in the
weaving department.
Combining machine monitoring with yarn inventory manage-
ment allows the system to assign warp stops and weft stops
to the yarn origin, the yarn lot and the yarn supplier. Since the
WeaveMaster system knows which yarns were used to produce
the warp or were taken for weft, the system can offer a full
yarn traceability. For each cloth roll coming out of the mil, the
system reports about yarn lots used, stop levels and quality
Temperature and humidity moni-
As the environmental conditions are very important for the
quality of the weaving process, WeaveMaster can be extended
with hard- and software for climate monitoring in the weave
Barco’s climate monitoring solution consists of temperature and
humidity sensors connected to one of Barco’s data units and a
software module. With this software, actual temperature and
humidity values are displayed in the weave room lay-out and
in the trend reports, effi ciency and stop levels are compared
with the temperature and humidity levels as function of time.