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Ref. no. R599020SS0408R000 April 2008

Barco is an ISO 9001 registered company.
The information and data given are typical for the equipment described. However any individual item is subject to change without any notice.
The latest version of this product sheet can be found on

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+1 678 475 8000

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Reference monitors for the
digital age

If anything, the need for high-quality,
high-reliability reference monitors is
greater now than it has ever been. Carl
Peeters: “People expect so much more
from visual media and entertainment,
as High Definition digital broadcast TV,
on-demand IPTV and digital cinema
become the norms.”

“In this modern broadcast and distribu-
tion environment, the number of
images that need to be simultaneously
viewed and controlled is increasing dra-
matically,” Mr. Peeters continues.
“Barco's networked visualization solu-
tions enable production and master con-

trol rooms to be cost-effectively net-
worked together. This improves opera-
tors’ ability to monitor the broadcast
process and visualize real-time video
content, both in the control room and
remotely on PCs and other network-con-
nected devices with user-friendly inter-
faces. This enables anyone, anywhere to
view program content from any screen.”

In addition, Barco has been the leading
proponent of multi-view display tech-
nology in broadcast environments – and
the high-grade calibration these sys-
tems need.

Carl Peeters: “But there will always be a
need for single-view Grade-1 reference
monitors where accurate, reliable color
balance is a must, not an option.”

RHDM.qxd:-  10-04-2008  12:18  Pagina 4
